At All N One Bail Bonds, we’re here to help if you or someone close to you has been arrested.

Our team has years of experience assisting clients with the costs and many other concerns that come along with being booked in jail, and this isn’t even the extent of our offerings.

In addition, we provide a comprehensive list of local criminal defense attorneys with whom we have relationships if you need help with your case in the future. 

Every attorney on our list will give you a free consultation if you mention us when you call them.

5 Tips for Selecting A Good Attorney

On top of that, here are some tips we can offer on selecting a good attorney to help represent you if the time ever comes.

1. Find The Right Specialty

There are several different types of law, from civil to corporate and more. Attorneys have different specialties, and criminal law is just one of them.

While some attorneys have multiple specialties or areas of practice, you should generally look for one who specializes in only criminal law or related subsets of it.

If you can find a lawyer who has direct experience with your exact kind of charge, that’s even better. It’s common to find attorneys who specialize in DUI cases, for instance.

2. Get A Free Consultation

As we noted above, all the attorneys on our list will give you a free consultation if you mention All N One Bail Bonds. Many attorneys will do this generally.

If available, make sure you take full advantage of this consultation, asking questions about the attorney’s experience, references, and length of time they’ve been practicing.

Beware of any promises or guarantees that seem too good to be true – they probably are.

3. Know Who Represents You

If you decide to go with one of the larger firms on our list, it’s likely that they have several different lawyers handling their caseload.

If this is the case, you want to get clarity on exactly who will be handling your case – ensure you aren’t simply being handed off to the least experienced attorney in the building and that you’re getting the attention your case needs.

4. Learn Their Fees and Rates

Regardless of which attorney you pick, get the basics on their fees and costs upfront.

Compare rates across a few law offices to make sure you aren’t being price gouged. But once again, be wary of deals that seem too good to be true, as they likely are.

5. Ask For References

If you have any family or friends who have been involved in similar cases to yours recently, ask them for references if they were happy with the legal services they received.

In addition, you can use online reviews to get a picture of how previous clients have found working with a given attorney.

Contact Us

For more on finding the right defense attorney, or to learn about any of our bail bond services, speak to the pros at All N One Bail Bonds today.