Over 10 million arrests occur each year in the United States. You might be shocked by this statistic, or you might be part of it.

If you fall into the latter category, you likely know all too well just how easy it can be to get arrested and find your life upended by the criminal justice system.

One of the greatest obstacles you face after an arrest is posting bail. Bail is required for an arrest that results in an indictment, and it can range wildly in amount, starting at a few hundred dollars or going up to several million.

The amount is commensurate to the crime a person is charged with, and it is usually set within 24 hours from the time of arrest.

If you have found yourself facing bail you can’t afford, there are several ways Memphis bail bonds can help.

Get Out of Jail Sooner Rather Than Later

One of the most obvious reasons to opt for bail bonds is the opportunity to get out of jail sooner than you could without bail bonding in Memphis, TN.

Unfortunately, it is true that you can spend an indefinite amount of time in jail if you do not have the money immediately available to post bail. Many people do not have enough cash available, and this can leave them in a situation where they are incarcerated simply because of a financial disadvantage.

The result is a system where some people spend a month or longer in jail. In fact, research reveals that between 2010 and 2017, the amount of time spent in jail increased by about 22%.

This is particularly startling, considering that incarceration is known to have detrimental effects such as the following:

  • Panic
  • Depression
  • Rage
  • Hallucinations
  • Antisocial behavior
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder

Memphis bail bonds allow you to minimize your time spent in jail as well as its potential psychological impact. Nothing is more stressful than being stuck in a cell, with your future on pause, simply because you cannot afford to post bail. Bail bonding in Memphis, TN, offers a way out.

Opt for a Flexible Payment Option

Bail only keeps people in jail if they are unable to pay it in full. Courts will not allow a partial amount to be paid, nor will they allow a payment arrangement or any other form of accommodation that may make it easier to post the sum.

Unfortunately, this disproportionately affects those at a financial disadvantage, and it has little impact on those who have access to substantial funds. Memphis bail bonds help to bridge this gap and ensure that every person has the same opportunity to be free, regardless of their financial standing.

One of the greatest advantages of Memphis bail bonds is the variety of repayment options that you can choose from. While paying directly to the court requires that you pay the sum in full, bail bonds provide flexible repayment options that include payment arrangements, credit card payment, or debit card payment.

This range of options allows for people in nearly any financial situation to post bail and get out of jail. Your finances should never be the thing standing between you and freedom.

Minimize the Impact of Incarceration

The aforementioned psychological impact of incarceration is only a small part of the picture when considering how jail time impacts a person. When you are incarcerated, you are unable to work and earn income, you are isolated from your family and support system, and you are subjected to trauma that will have lasting consequences.

With Memphis bail bonds, you can minimize the aftermath of incarceration by getting out of jail faster.

In addition to trauma, some of the potential consequences that can follow jail time include the following:

  • Trauma to family and children
  • Loss of job and income opportunities
  • Difficulty finding work after freedom
  • Housing and food instability

These effects can be seen even after short-term periods spent in jail, and the more time spent behind bars, the worse the consequences are likely to be. Bail bonding in Memphis, TN, gives any person in jail the ability to be free and reclaim their life.

Retain Your Employment and Responsibilities

Of these consequences, one of the most brutal is often the loss of employment as a result of jail time. Of course, when you are in jail, you are unable to report to work, and time missed can result in termination.

For many people, this adds another layer of devastation to an already awful situation.

According to research, people who are formerly incarcerated suffer from an unemployment rate of 27% — a number that is higher than the total U.S. unemployment rate has ever been. In many cases, the longer you spend behind bars, the higher your chances of unemployment are.

How can you avoid this fate and ensure that your life does not unravel as a result of jail time? Memphis bail bonds offer an alternative to paying your bail in full, as many people are unable to do.

Bail bonds in Memphis, TN, let you get out of jail faster and back to work sooner so that you don’t have to worry about unemployment on top of the stress of incarceration. Court fees are expensive, and the last thing you need is to be without income as you deal with the expenses of the criminal justice system.

Opt for bail bonds so that you can be free and get your life back on track.

Find the Right Bail Bonds Provider in Memphis

All n One Bail is the premier bail bonding service for clients in the greater Memphis, TN, area. Whether you are facing $500 in bail or $5,000, you can get the help you need from expert consultants.

All n One Bail takes pride in helping people become free from incarceration and regain control over their lives. Get help understanding the bail and criminal justice system so that you know what to expect and understand your rights.

Call any time of the day or night for assistance!