It seems that everyone has an opinion about what to do after someone they know has been arrested or is facing arrest. There is also a lot of misinformation that can be found online.

The bail bond process is a legal way to potentially stay out of jail while waiting for a trial to take place, and yet there are many misconceptions over this process.

Here are several of the myths going around that should be ignored when it comes to a bail bond agency.

Myth #1: Bail Bondsmen Are Unethical

Many people think of bail bondsmen as crooks or unprofessional agencies just out there looking to make a quick dollar.

This idea is the furthest thing from the truth, as there are very strict requirements in place for these agencies and individuals.

Background testing, training requirements, and a state-issued license are mandatory parts of running a bail bonds service. Though there are some scams, valid bail bonding operates with integrity and professionalism.

Myth #2: Bail Can Only Be Made With Cash

You don’t need cash to make bail. Many bail bond services will allow a defendant to use collateral to get a bail bond.

Each company will have different guidelines and rules, and the amount of bail that’s been set may determine what kind of collateral can be used. You may be able to use a motorcycle, car, bank account, land, jewelry, or another asset of value.

Don’t assume what you can use as collateral until you’ve talked to a bail bond agency.

Myth #3: The Entire Bail Amount Must Be Met for Release

The purpose of a bail bond is to help you with bail when you don’t have the cash needed to pay it.

Rather than pay the court the full amount to make bail, you make an arrangement with the bail bond company for a specific amount of money. The bond company then pays the full amount owed, and you are left paying the bond company.

If you fail to appear in court, you are liable for the whole amount to the bail bond agency plus any fees.

Myth #4: Bail Bond Is the Same Cost as the Bond

The bail bonding company will post bail for a defendant for the entire amount of the bond set by the court. However, the defendant is only required to pay a percentage fee off the cost of the total bond.

After the release from jail, it is imperative that the defendant show up to all court appearances.

So long as this happens, the bonding company keeps the fee that was paid, and the court returns the full amount of the bail back to the bond company.

Myth #5: Bail Bonding Companies Negotiate a Lower Bond

Bail bonding companies have no control over the amount of bail a defendant receives.

The court has standard minimums in place for each offense, and any adjustment on these amounts needs to be negotiated with the judge.

A bail bond agent doesn’t do any negotiating; that’s the job of your attorney.

Myth #6: Bail Bonding Releases Criminals To the Streets

Bail bonding upholds the right to be free on bond until a case is resolved through the court system. A judge approves individuals for bail, and there are some instances (violent crimes or repeat offenders) where bail is denied.

The bail bond agency doesn’t set the standard on who is granted bail or initiate the release of the defendant.

The agent simply helps individuals who were granted bonds meet the financial requirements to satisfy the court order.

Myth #7: It’s Better To Just Serve the Time

Spending time in jail and waiting for a case to be resolved can wreak havoc on your personal life.

Whether you will be found guilty or not, getting released on bail gives a person time to put all of their affairs in order before a jail sentence begins.

The time can be spent preparing the documentation needed to help with your case, taking care of work obligations, and preparing for potential incarceration.

Myth #8: Skipping Bail Isn’t Serious

When a defendant misses a court appearance, there is more than just a financial cost to pay.

In addition to paying the full bail amount and the fee to the bail bond agency, the court may issue a bench warrant for immediate arrest.

When a bench warrant is issued, there are no second chances of getting out of jail.

Call the Expert

If you or someone you know is in need of a bail bond, reach out to All n One Bail. We have the most efficient and easy-to-navigate processes for securing release from jail on bond. Contact our bail bond agency today.