Being arrested for any charge can be an overwhelming situation, and many people don’t understand their legal rights or what to expect once they’ve been taken to the local police station.

In many cases, people have a right to bail, which is an option for the defendant to be released from jail and allowed to go home until the time to settle the charges. A bail bonding agent can post the funds needed if the defendant doesn’t have the cash or assets needed to post their own bond.

Are You Entitled To Post Bond?

Part of exercising your legal rights is knowing what you are entitled to. When it comes to bail bonding, the severity of the charges against you will influence whether or not a judge may grant bail. Violent crime charges, like armed robbery, rape, or murder, are often more difficult to obtain bail for.

In any situation, your best chance of obtaining bail is through the help of an attorney. Legal counsel can help argue in your favor, especially when potential threats to your bail exist. These could include being considered a flight risk, having a history of missed court appearances, being a repeat offender, or being considered a threat to the general public.

In the case of a first offense, particularly when it comes to a DUI charge, a judge tends to be more lenient and assigns a bail amount in keeping with state laws. If you don’t have the funds needed to pay the bail bond, you can call a bail bond agent.

How To Secure Your Bail Bond

First and foremost, remember that bail is not an escape from the charges you are facing. It is a temporary reprieve from spending time in jail until your court date. Once you’ve received your bail amount, you or someone you know can move forward with contacting a bail bond agent. In many cases, this can be done electronically. The information to have on hand includes the following:

  • Full name of the defendant
  • Name of the jail
  • Report or booking number
  • Charges against the individual
  • Additional details regarding the arrest

Once the agent has the information necessary, you will need to sign paperwork and either put up collateral for the bond or pay a percentage of the bail amount. Before the release is final, make sure to do the following with your bail bond agent:

  • Secure the agent’s license number
  • Clarify the terms of the payment plan

This information can keep you from getting into a bail bond scam. It also clearly states the expectations you have for avoiding financial repercussions from the agent. Once this process is completed, release from jail will happen within the next few hours, depending on the municipality and communication with the bail agent.

How To Protect Your Bail Bond

Though it may seem easy to secure a bond, protecting it is another matter. You can inadvertently violate the terms of your release from jail if you aren’t careful, and doing so could cause you to forfeit your bail. These are the don’ts of dealing with a bail bond.

Don’t Get Arrested

It is very important that you do your best to uphold the terms of your release and not get arrested again. Getting into any legal trouble will almost certainly cause your bail to be revoked.

The best thing to do is stay at home with family and avoid the friends or environments that got you into trouble in the first place. This means avoiding bars, nightclubs, or even driving. The judge sets the conditions of release, and these must be upheld until your charges are resolved.

Don’t Miss a Court Appearance

Never show up late to a court date or fail to appear at all. The bail bond agent has assumed the responsibility for your presence, and skipping your court appearance will cause your bail to be revoked.

When this happens, the bail bond becomes your personal responsibility. You forfeit your fee and will have to pay the entire amount to the bonding agency. The court may also issue a warrant for your arrest, which means you will spend time in jail without the chance to get out.

Where To Go for Bail

If you’re in the Memphis area and know someone who has been arrested, or you are facing arrest yourself, contact All n One Bail.

Our experience and easy processing help release defendants from jail quickly and efficiently.