Posting bail is a big deal, one that involves a lot of hard-earned money and time.

This is especially true if you pay the full bail amount in cash rather than get a bail bond through a bail bond agency.

While under normal circumstances, the bail amount is held by the court until the trial is over, you may be wondering what happens if you fail to appear.

To answer this question, we have put together some information for your reference below.

If the big question on your mind is not, “What happens if you skip bail?” and you would rather watch our video on how bail works instead, you can check it out by clicking the link above and scrolling to the bottom of the next page.

What Happens If The Defendant Skips Court?

Failing to keep all your court dates can result in serious repercussions, so we strongly recommend that you appear when required.

Here are some things that can happen if you fail to meet your court obligations.

  1. A new case may be filed against you.

In some states, skipping bail can result in an additional misdemeanor or felony case.

  1. A warrant may be issued for your arrest.

If you skip court and do not promptly provide an adequate reason for why you did not show up, or if you go into hiding, a warrant may be issued for your arrest.

  1. The bail amount may increase.

How much your bail is already depends on the severity of the crime and the number of counts filed against you. But if you miss your court appearances, it can only go higher.

  1. Your case may be treated more severely.

Courts do not like it when defendants miss their court dates. Depending on the judge, skipping court may cause them to treat your case more severely.

  1. You get denied bail next time.

If you skip your court dates, then you may be denied bail if you ever get arrested again.

Translation – It is never a good idea to skip out on court!

If, for some reason, you feel you will not be able to make it to court, we strongly recommend communicating this with your bail bond agency and the court well in advance.

Skipping Court – What Happens To The Bail Bond?

When a defendant skips bail, their full cash bail amount (if that is what they used) gets confiscated by the court.

If a property bond is posted, the court will file a claim against the property, which will result in the property being foreclosed.

If a surety bail bond is posted, the bail company will pay the full bail amount to the court. Then they will recoup their losses by filing a claim against the defendant’s collateral.

What Are My Options If I Skip Bail?

If you skip bail, there is recourse if you can prove that your reason is valid.

Some potentially valid reasons for missing court are getting seriously ill on the day of the trial, having a car accident, or experiencing some other life-threatening emergency.

Another valid reason (usually for less serious cases) is that you were not properly notified.

In these instances, the court may be lenient and withdraw any additional charges.

Why Get A Surety Bail Bond?

Since skipping bail is a serious offense, bail bond companies work hard to ensure that their clients meet all of their court obligations.

This is one of the many reasons why many people prefer bail bonds over cash bail.

A Trusted Bail Bond Company In Memphis

When purchasing a bail bond, you want to make sure the company you are working with has experience.

The good news is that we have been helping people in Shelby County for over 25 years and know exactly how to guide you through the process.

We can also post your bail fast!

If you need to get a Memphis bail bond right away, contact All N One Bail Bonds at (901) 523-2245. We would love to help!