Are you wondering how much you would pay if your bail amount was $10,000? Keep reading to find out the answer.

All-n-One Bail Bonds provides easy-to-understand explanations for subjects relating to bail bonds.

If you are here and you just want to know more about bail in general, check out our article, “Every Type of Bail Bond – Ask A Bail Bondsman In Memphis Tennessee.” It provides a great overview of different bail bond types in Las Vegas.

How Much Is A $10,000 Bond?

In Tennessee, the premium for bonds is 10% of the total bail amount. So, if the court sets the bail amount at $10,000, the bail bond will cost you $1,000.

This is why a lot of people use bail bonds rather than pay their full bail amount. The price is much easier to make, and the savings are huge.

Bail Amount vs. Bail Bond Cost. More About The Difference

If you are confused by the difference between the bail amount and the bail bond cost, just remember that the bail amount is the total amount the court is requiring. This amount is set by the judge and depends on the severity of the crime and other factors.

The bail bond cost, on the other hand, is just the amount you pay to the bail bond company to post bail on your behalf. It is always only a percentage of the total bail amount. Percentages differ depending on what state you are in.

Cash Bond vs. Bail Bond. What’s The Best Option?

Bail bonds are definitely the better option, in our opinion, since you do not have to reach deep in your pockets to meet your bail amount.

Not to mention, you get professional guidance when you work with a professional bail bond company.

Fast Bail Bond Processing

One advantage of using bail bonds is that, since bail bondsmen are experts in the field, they can probably process your bail bond faster. You will not need to drive to the detention center to post bail. Instead, you can just call the bail bond company, and they will send their licensed bail bondsman to process the bail on your behalf.

Online Bail Bond Processing

If you reside out of state but would still like to process bail, you can just fill out an online bail bond request on our website. Just go to our Bail Bond Online page and fill out the form.

Getting Help From A Trusted Bail Bond Company

Legal issues are a financial burden and can be very disruptive to your personal life. This is why we offer flexible and affordable payment options that allow you to get out of jail quickly and back to your normal routine.

If you need help in processing a bail bond fast, we at All-n-One Bail Bonds have the expertise you need. Call us today at 901-523-2245. We are open 24/7.