Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What does posting bail really mean?
A: Posting bail is cash or a cash alternative that the arrested person presents to the court to make certain that he or she will show up for court. If defendant does not appear for their court date, the court will then keep the bail and release a warrant for the defendant’s arrest.
Q: Who decides the bail amount?
A: The judges are responsible for setting the bail amount. Because many people want to be released from jail as soon as possible, and depending upon the defendant’s date of arrest, the arrest process can take up to five days to appear in front of a judges.
Q: How much does it usually cost for a bail bond?
A: The typical cost for most bail bond premiums is exactly 10% of the bail amount set by court. For example, if the full bail amount is $20,000 then the fee for a bail bond would be $2,000. These fees are set, fixed and controlled by the Department of Insurance.
Q: What payment methods can I use to pay for a bail bond?
A: Here at All-N-One Bail Bonds we accept cash, check, credit cards, Western Union and PayPal. We will also accept collateral until the bail bond is paid for in full.
Q: How long is a bail bond payment good for?
A: A bail bond payment is good for one calendar year. If the case goes beyond the one calendar year, the payment must be resubmitted in order to keep the bail bond payment current.
Q: When do you call a bail bondsman?
A: When you or a loved one has been accused of a crime, getting released from jail, as soon as possible is usually the first priority. In most cases, a station house bail payment is possible for release. Station house bail is a fixed bail amount payment for certain law violations. With a station house bail, you are able to pay the bail amount, and be released immediately after the arrest procedure. In the case that you know your bail will be a specific amount, you will want to contact a bail bondsman as soon as possible to coordinate your release. Depending on the severity of the crime, you should consult an attorney. For additional bail payment questions, contact an attorney or All-n-One Bail Bonds.
Q: What happens to the defendant when arrested?
A: After fingerprints and a picture are taken, the arrested person can make more than one phone call. They can either make a collect call to you, to us, All-n-One Bail Bonds (we accept all collect calls) or they may make a three-way call between you, the defendant, and us to set a bail plan to get the defendant out as soon as possible.
Q: Does that arrested person get one phone call?
A: After fingerprints and a picture are taken, the arrested person can make more than one phone call. They can either make a collect call to you, to us, All-n-One Bail Bonds (we accept all collect calls) or they may make a three-way call between you, the defendant, and us to set a bail plan to get the defendant out as soon as possible.
Q: Will I be able to speak to the person I’m bailing out prior to booking?
A: The only way for you to communicate with someone in jail is when you receive a phone call from that person.
Q: Is the bail bond company the only way to get someone one out of jail?
A: For the fast release of your loved one from jail, the jail will consider two alternatives.
1. A licensed bail company such as All-n-One Bail Bonds which is registered by the courts and capable of legally submitting a bail bond.
2. You can pay the full cash bail directly deposited to the court. The full cash bail may be refunded. However, there may be a number of court fees and fines left unattended. Another disadvantage to this bail payment option is that sometimes it can take up to one or two years to get your money back from the courts. There are also some cases where the court may settle on the use of a property bond as collateral for the defendant’s release.

Office Location
You can visit our main office at 238 Poplar Ave. Memphis, TN 38103 and talk to us in person or call us at (901) 523-2245 and we can help you over the phone.
Bail Payment Plans
We offer fexible payment plans which are simple to setup and easy to maintain. Call us now at (901) 523-2245 and speak to one of our bail agents for more details.