Few ideas are more terrifying than the possibility of being falsely accused of a crime. Countless novels and movies explore the prospect of simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time and the legal fallout that can result. If you have found yourself in this situation, you aren’t alone. One study found that 8% of Americans reported being falsely accused of child abuse, domestic violence, sexual assault, and other crimes. This accounts for over 20 million people, so needless to say, false accusations are not as rare as you might like to think. If you have been arrested in Memphis but are innocent, there are a few steps you need to take in order to effectively navigate the situation. Memphis bail bonds can help you get out of jail and get your life back after false arrests.

Be Careful What You Say

The first thing to keep in mind following an arrest is mindfulness of what you say and who you say it to. Upon detainment, law enforcement should read you your Miranda rights, including the phrase “anything you say can be used against you in court.” It is wise not to take this warning lightly and decline to speak to law enforcement before you have first consulted with an attorney and determined the best course of action for your case. Law enforcement and detectives may prompt you with questions throughout your arrest, but you have the right not to answer.

Remember that when you are asked a question after an arrest, you are already a suspect, and any information gathered will be used in an attempt to prove your guilt. You might even be bribed with promises of leniency if you talk, but in most cases, these are empty promises that are little more than manipulation tactics. After being charged with a crime, you will not be released until you have posted bail, so talking has no practical benefit. Rather than talking to law enforcement, get in touch with Memphis bail bonds professionals for assistance posting bail and getting out of jail.

Find Reputable Legal Representation

The only person you should talk to, other than a bail bondsman, is a lawyer. False arrests demand adequate legal representation, and a lawyer will help you navigate the legal system and fight your false charges. After being charged, you will have three options: representing yourself, allowing for a court-appointed attorney, or hiring your own attorney. Opting for self-representation is generally not a favorable option, and whether your attorney is hired or court-appointed depends largely on a person’s ability to fund their own defense. You should determine your choice of lawyer based on criteria such as the following:

  • Track record of successful defense in similar cases
  • Understanding of the case and its circumstances
  • Familiarity with implications of false accusations

A lawyer who satisfies these criteria can help you defend yourself against false accusations and avoid a conviction. Your lawyer should serve as a legal advocate and counselor who helps you understand the charges you are facing. Together, you can build a defense that proves your innocence and ensure that you are not penalized for a crime you did not commit.

Get Out of Jail Sooner Rather Than Later

Of course, when you are arrested based on a false accusation, the most important consideration is getting out of jail as quickly as possible. Depending on the severity of the crime you are charged with, you might be dealing with a few hundred or thousands of dollars of bail. Regardless of the sum, coming up with cash on demand is a struggling for many people, and unfortunately, the court will not allow for partial payments of a bond. For people who do not immediately have the full sum of their bail available, this can leave them incarcerated until they have the money — but luckily, 24 hour bail bonds in Memphis TN eliminate the uncertainty from posting bail.

Memphis bail bonds simplify the process of getting out of jail by helping you post bond as soon as possible. Many people cannot come up with the money to post bail from their own funds, which puts financially disadvantaged people at a greater risk of prolonged incarceration, but bail bonding bridges this gap and allowing everybody access to funds for bail — including those who have been falsely charged with a crime.

Retain Normalcy Where You Can Find It

After a false arrest, it can be easy to become depressed, anxious, and otherwise disconnected from your life before the charges. False arrests change a person’s life and often have a range of additional consequences, such as job loss, estrangement from family, and psychological trauma. Despite this, it is imperative that you retain normalcy wherever you can find it in your life. Do not let these charges consume you, and do not become a victim of the system. Instead, stay focused on self-improvement through strategies such as the following:

  • Healthy eating and exercise
  • Intentionally connecting with friends
  • Maintaining familial relationships
  • Meditation and introspection
  • Therapy and mental health care

All of these tips can help you maintain a balance in your life after you post bail and leave jail. Rather than neglecting your relationships, invest in the people around you, and find time to build connections. This is the best way to cope with your situation and ensure that you maintain your sanity while you await the next steps. This is especially true for anybody who is falsely charged with a crime they did not commit.

Get the Best Bail Bonds in Memphis

There are plenty of providers offering Memphis bail bonds, but none are as fast or reputable as All n One Bail Bonds. All n One Bail Bonds serves clients who are facing false charges by ensuring they get out of jail as quickly as possible. Let them help you post bail and get out from behind bars. Their bondsmen will assist you in finding the payment option best suited to your needs. Call (901) 523-2245 for assistance any time of the day or night.