When you get arrested, your whole life is put on pause. You must figure out how to deal with the charges, how to maintain your life, and how to get out of jail as soon as possible.

The latter of these can be particularly challenging for anybody who does not immediately have funds available to post bail in full. Depending on the charges you face, you might be held on bail ranging from a few hundred dollars or several thousand.

Memphis bail bonds can help you post bail and get out from behind bars even if you don’t have the full sum available from your own resources.

What do you do then, though, when you are awaiting a court date after posting bail? Rather than simply waiting for your day in court to arrive, now is the time to be proactive about your case.

MORE: How Bail Works in Tennessee

Follow All Conditions of Release

After bail is posted, a person is given conditions of release that they must follow in order to remain in compliance with their bail bond contract. If the bond is posted through a Memphis bail bonds provider, you will report certain information to both your bondsman and the court after you have been released from jail. Some of the information that you must provide includes the following:

  • Change of address
  • Change in employment
  • Any travel plans

Additional conditions of release may be set, depending on the crime you are charged with.

In some cases, a person is subject to a curfew, prohibited from traveling or required to surrender firearms. Whatever the conditions of your release are, it is imperative that you follow them to the letter and ensure that you are in complete compliance. Failure to do so may result in a return to jail.

Remember that you are accountable to both the court and your bondsman, so you must honor the conditions of your release in order to maintain your agreement with both entities.

Failure to comply with the terms of your bail bond contract can result in revocation of bail and rearrest.

Needless to say, while you are awaiting your court date, it is imperative that you remain in compliance with your bail bond contract and follow all conditions of release.

Find the Best Legal Representation

Once you are out of jail and awaiting your court date, you need to plan your legal strategy, including your representation. You have three options available: You may represent yourself, work with a court-appointed attorney, or hire your own attorney.

In most cases, self-representation is not the best option. Whether you have a court-appointed attorney or one you hire is dependent on your financial ability.

Regardless of what kind of representation you have, the time between posting bail and going to court is the time to strategize and build your defense. You want a lawyer who possesses qualities such as the following:

  • Experience of success in similar cases
  • General compatibility with you and your family
  • Prioritizes your case and understands its importance

With the right lawyer on your side, you can look forward to your day in court with confidence. Your attorney should do more than just represent you — they should help you understand your charges and navigate the legal system effectively, too.

Stay on the Right Side of the Law

Following the conditions of your release is the bare minimum you should do following release from jail. You should be on your best behavior as you await your court date and ensure that you are acting as a model citizen.

What does this look like? Though these criteria may not be included in your bail bond contract or conditions of release, it is wise to follow them:

  • Do not associate with people with a criminal history
  • Do not drink, go to parties, or spend time in bars
  • Maintain positive relationships with family and friends

In addition to following these guidelines, it is a good idea to look the part, so to speak, and put some intent into your physical appearance.

As you prepare for your day in court, think about how you will present yourself, including your grooming and attire.

If you need to invest in a new suit, find a suit that looks professional. If you need to get a haircut, invest in a haircut that looks similarly put-together.

Little things like grooming fingernails and facial hair, too, will go a long way in portraying a profile of respectability.

Foster Positive Parts of Your Life

Following an arrest and criminal charges, it may be tempting to slump into a depression or let anxiety about your court date consume you. This is exactly the opposite of what you should do, though, after you are freed from jail.

Rather than focus on the negative aspects of your situation, it is imperative that you foster the positive parts of your life. This means you should maintain connections with your friends and family, take care of your health, and make plans for the future.

Most importantly, though, you need to take care of yourself. Do your best to maintain employment and whatever other obligations you may have, and engage in beneficial practices such as meditation, exercise, and self-improvement.

Indulging a negative attitude will only worsen your disposition come court day, but if you maintain a positive outlook, you will be able to present the best version of yourself when it really counts. Facing criminal charges may be a disruption to your life, but it does not have to derail your life.

Get the Fastest Bail Bonds in Memphis

When you are awaiting your court date, you need to be on your best behavior.

Memphis bail bonds can help you get out of jail fast, but getting out of jail won’t do any good if you waste the time you have afterward.

Trust All n One Bail to get your bail posted fast so you can get your life back on track. All n One Bail takes pride in assisting clients with all their bail bond needs. Call at any time of the day or night.